Software Toolbox Automation Tech Tips Blog

Video Tutorial: Integrating Industrial Data with HiveMQ using OPC Router

Written by Zachary Parham | Jun 13, 2024 6:00:00 PM

Welcome back to our Summer of IoT blog series! We hope that last week’s introduction to the series created excitement as we continue to explore how our IoT solutions can help you achieve even greater success with your Industry 4.0 and Digital Transformation initiatives.

In today's video blog, we will be integrating REST with MQTT by using OPC Router to connect to a RESTful API service and publish data to HiveMQ's MQTT Broker.

For this demonstration, OPC Router will function as an MQTT Client to publish the data to HiveMQ; however, it could also be a subscriber if your use case called for it. For more information on OPC Router and other helpful video tutorials, please see our OPC Router Video Training Resources.

In summary, we've shown you how to:

  1. Set up a REST transfer object to retrieve data from a RESTful API endpoint, OpenWeatherAPI.
  2. Use an MQTT transfer object to publish to our local MQTT Broker, HiveMQ.
  3. Add a time trigger to execute the data transfer at a specified interval

We hope this video has shown you just how easy it can be to integrate your business systems, even when they utilize different technologies. With OPC Router, the data integration possibilities are endless, and we would love to help you solve your problems and satisfy your business needs.

Please be sure to subscribe to our blog for more helpful tips, tricks, and how-to videos and don't hesitate to contact our support team if you have any questions or need support.

Ready to connect via MQTT and integrate all your industrial data? Get a free trial of OPC Router here!