Cogent DataHub V11 Features to Be Excited About

6 min read

Jun 27, 2024 2:00:00 PM

As we continue our Summer of IoT blog series, this week we'll turn our focus to the V11 release of Cogent DataHub, a powerful platform known for its ability to seamlessly connect to a wide range of data sources including OPC, databases, MQTT, and more. DataHub Version 11 builds upon this foundation, empowering users with enhanced security, improved usability, and expanded connectivity options. This blog post dives into the key new features that make V11 a significant upgrade over its predecessors.

Why You Need These Features:

DataHub V11 empowers users with a comprehensive set of enhancements that elevate data security, user experience, and connectivity. The robust security model safeguards sensitive information, while the improved WebView streamlines data visualization and interaction. Expanded connectivity options unlock the potential for DataHub to integrate with a broader range of industry-standard tools and platforms. By upgrading to V11, you gain powerful new possibilities that foster secure, efficient, and insightful data management. Active Support and Maintenance Agreement are eligible for a free upgrade to V11. See "License Owners Upgrade" tab on the DataHub downloads page.

1. DataHub V11 Expanded Security Configuration & Options

With the launch of V11, a new robust DataHub Connection & Configuration Security model is available for users. There is now granular control over user access to strengthen data protection from unauthorized access. This version seamlessly migrates your existing security configuration from previous DataHub versions and offers a more intuitive permission system.

New features including the following:

These new features were added with you in mind to secure the application even more and protect the data between your critical business systems from unwanted assailants that are becoming more and more sophisticated in their attacks.

Cogent DataHub Security Settings

2. New WebView Enhancements Provide Intuitive User-Control

The release of DataHub V11 brings significant upgrades to its web-deployed HMI feature, WebView, focusing on expanded usability and flexibility.

  • Multiple page tabs allow users to work on several pages simultaneously, boosting productivity.
  • A new Page Viewer Control feature allows for multiple pages to be embedded into a single display, enabling slide-show style displays or quick access from Combo Boxes

Cogent DataHub WebView Page Viewer

  • It is now possible to edit, search and select multiple controls simultaneously,
  • A new Script Editor for WebView is completely revised, creating a simplified user experience and offering extended options.

3. Introducing new External Historian Connectors, Expanding Interoperability with Industry Standards

Continuing to expand the variety of connectivity options, DataHub V11 introduces a new Event Streams Plug-in with support for Apache Kafka and Azure Event Hubs. This feature allows users to collect event data from these platforms for further utilization in DataHub.  Additionally, both Apache Kafka and Azure Event Hubs are now available as destinations in the External Historian Plug-In.

DataHub has also incorporated OPC HDA Classic Client capabilities into the External Historian Plug-In, enabling connectivity to well-known OPC HDA Classic enabled platforms in the industry like OSIsoft PI, Rockwell FactoryTalk SE, Siemens WinCC, GE Proficy Historian, DeltaV, TOP Server, and more!  V11 also adds OPC UA HDA Server which with the above feature can now act as an OPC HDA Classic to OPC UA HDA converter.

With a focus on new connection options, store-and-forward functionality will soon broaden data management possibilities beyond InfluxDB, allowing users to have more options for buffering data during downtime events.

Cogent DataHub Kafka

4. Enhancements to OPC DA Client Connections

The DataHub OPC DA server in V11 now allows users to remove the DataHub-assigned “DomainName:” prefix from OPC items provided to clients. This means that the DataHub item names match the source OPC server’s item names, making tunneling OPC data even easier for your client connections!

Cogent DataHub OPC DA Server

5. MQTT & Sparkplug Receive Expanded Compatibility

Both MQTT broker and MQTT client features receive updates, now supporting Sparkplug 3 and MQTT V5 standards in V11. These enhancements ensure compatibility with the latest industry protocols, facilitating seamless integration with MQTT-enabled devices and systems. Subscribe to our blog series as we’ll be taking a deeper look into MQTT and DataHub V11 in our upcoming posts.

6. Enhanced Interface and User Experience with New Options

With a growing list of features and capabilities within DataHub, V11 also implements a variety of improvements throughout the application for existing features. For example, import and export options for configuration of plug-ins including OPC, MQTT, Modbus, Bridging, External, and Local Historians, are now accessible in the Remote Configuration.

Cogent DataHub MQTT Config Import Export

Major additions to the Data Browser have also arrived. A new Origin column in the browser displays detailed information on the source of the latest shown value. Point information and metadata can now be easily copied from the browser directly, including JSON representations.

Users also have the option to delete points from the browser as needed. This will hide it from the view and send a delete point name command to any connected clients referencing the point.

Cogent DataHub Data Browser Options

7. Secure Data Diode Mode Provides Locked-Down Unidirectional Tunneling

Introducing Data Diode Mode, where V11 enhances data security by allowing DataHub tunnels to discard all incoming data without processing. Enabling this on a Tunnel/Mirror Slave will only allow data to be written in one direction while blocking any return data from the destination.

This mode also supports hardware data diodes with TCP emulation, ensuring data integrity in sensitive environments.

Cogent DataHub Data Diode Options

Upgrade Information

For users on an active Support and Maintenance Agreement, upgrading to V11 is seamless and cost-free. See "License Owners Upgrade" tab on the DataHub downloads page.  Review DataHub V11 Upgrade Best Practices before upgrading. Not on support? You can still purchase an upgrade, contact us for DataHub V11 upgrade pricing.

DataHub V11 Free Trial


Connor Mason
Written by Connor Mason

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