Software Toolbox Technical Blog

Video Tutorial: AVEVA InTouch to DataHub via OPC UA Expands Options

2 min read

By Kevin Rutherford on Jan 12, 2023 2:00:00 PM

Users of AVEVA software are already familiar with the native connectivity options they have for interfacing with different systems and devices. AVEVA users often turn to Cogent DataHub® for integration of a wide variety of industrial and other data sources such as MQTT clients/brokers, SparkplugB systems, databases, historians and much more.

AVEVA InTouch users have traditionally connected to DataHub via its OPC DA Classic interface (via AVEVA OI Gateway). AVEVA's OI Gateway also provides those users the additional option of connecting to OPC UA data sources, for easier and more secure remote connections to such data sources.

In this video blog post, we will cover the basic steps to connect AVEVA InTouch to DataHub via OPC UA, expanding the variety of connectivity options available to AVEVA users.

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Video Tutorial: AVEVA InTouch to OmniServer via OPC UA Expands Options

2 min read

By Kevin Rutherford on Dec 15, 2022 2:00:00 PM

Most AVEVA users are already familiar with the native connectivity options they have for interfacing with different systems. AVEVA users have turned to OmniServer for many years to integrate non-PLC devices such as barcode scanners, weigh scales, vibration monitors, RFID readers and more, all without custom code.

Those users of AVEVA InTouch have traditionally connected to OmniServer directly via its native SuiteLink interface. AVEVA's OI Gateway provides those users the additional option of connecting to OPC UA data sources, for easier and more secure remote connections to such data sources.

In this video blog post, we will cover the basic steps to connect AVEVA InTouch to OmniServer via OPC UA, expanding non-PLC device connectivity options for AVEVA users.

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Video Tutorial: AVEVA InTouch to TOP Server via OPC UA Expands Options

2 min read

By Kevin Rutherford on Dec 8, 2022 2:00:00 PM

Most AVEVA users are already familiar with the native connectivity options they have for interfacing with different systems. Many AVEVA users have also turned to TOP Server over the years, both for standardizing device connectivity in a single server and for drivers/protocols not available as native AVEVA options as a complementary solution.

Those users of AVEVA System Platform have traditionally connected to TOP Server directly via either its native SuiteLink interface. AVEVA's OI Gateway provides those users the additional option of connecting to OPC UA data sources, for easier and more secure remote connections to such data sources.

In this video blog post, we will cover the basic steps to connect AVEVA InTouch to TOP Server via OPC UA, expanding device connectivity options for AVEVA users.

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AVEVA System Platform to OPC Router Connectivity Options via OPC UA

23 min read

By Kevin Rutherford on Nov 3, 2022 2:00:00 PM

AVEVA users have a range of native connectivity options for interfacing with different systems. OPC Router also supports connectivity to variety of different systems that users sometimes need to access from AVEVA System Platform. Users of AVEVA System Platform can leverage OI Gateway to easily and securely connect to OPC Router via OPC UA for connections to many other data sources.

In this blog post, we will cover the basic steps to connect AVEVA System Platform to OPC Router via OPC UA, enabling additional connectivity options for AVEVA users to systems such as SAP (and other ERPs), a variety of relational and other databases, conversion of file data including CSV, XML, JSON and others, IIoT systems including REST and SOAP web services and MQTT brokers and more.

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AVEVA System Platform to TOP Server via OPC UA Expands Connectivity

23 min read

By Kevin Rutherford on Aug 18, 2022 2:00:00 PM

Many AVEVA users are probably already aware of the native connectivity options they have for interfacing with different systems. Many AVEVA users have also turned to TOP Server over the years, both for standardizing device connectivity in a single server and for drivers/protocols not available as native AVEVA options.

Those users of AVEVA System Platform have traditionally connected to TOP Server directly via either its native SuiteLink interface or OPC DA Classic. AVEVA's OI Gateway provides those users the additional option of connecting to OPC UA data sources, for easier and more secure remote connections to such data sources.

In this blog post, we will cover the basic steps to connect AVEVA System Platform to TOP Server via OPC UA, expanding device connectivity options for AVEVA users.

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AVEVA System Platform to OmniServer via OPC UA for Non-PLC Devices

18 min read

By Kevin Rutherford on Aug 4, 2022 2:00:00 PM

AVEVA users already have a wide range of connectivity options for interfacing with different systems. For many years, OmniServer has been expanding that connectivity to include non-standard, non-PLC type devices that don't have an existing off-the-shelf communications driver. Users of AVEVA System Platform have traditionally connected to OmniServer via either the native SuiteLink interface or OPC DA Classic. AVEVA's OI Gateway provides those users the additional option of connecting to OPC UA data sources, for easier and more secure remote connections to such data sources.

In this blog post, we will cover the basic steps to connect AVEVA System Platform to OmniServer via OPC UA, expanding non-standard device connectivity options for AVEVA users.

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AVEVA System Platform OPC UA Client to DataHub OPC UA Server for Expanded Connectivity

15 min read

By Kevin Rutherford on Jul 28, 2022 2:00:00 PM

AVEVA users already have a wide range of connectivity options for interfacing with different systems. Cogent DataHub® also supports an extensive selection of connectivity to different systems that users sometimes need to access from AVEVA System Platform. Users of AVEVA System Platform have traditionally connected to DataHub via OPC DA Classic. AVEVA's OI Gateway provides those users the additional option of connecting to OPC UA data sources, for easier and more secure remote connections to such data sources.

In this blog post, we will cover the basic steps to connect AVEVA System Platform to Cogent DataHub via OPC UA, expanding connectivity options for AVEVA users.

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