How Much Experience Does Your Tunneler Solution Have?

2 min read

Oct 4, 2016 2:00:00 PM

There’s nothing like knowing that you aren’t alone, and someone else has had the same problems or successes that you have in similar situations.  That's just as true in the industrial automation world as it is in life.

This blog post will discuss how the peace of mind garnered from case studies and real-world examples when choosing a tunneling solution can be a deciding factor.

Tunneling in the real worldAs with other industrial automation software, reputable tunneling solution suppliers will typically have case studies, testimonials and other similar "proof" of real-world performance you can review that show their product in action in real applications.  It's easy to provide a list of bullets describing functionality and performance.  But to hear actual evidence regarding a tunneling use case similar to your own project is invaluable when choosing a tunneling solution.

Currently in the process of choosing a tunneling solution?  Learn more about the importance of real-world scenarios and other variables in our free whitepaper "25 Considerations when choosing a tunneling solution".

You might find out how easy or hard it was an implementation was.  You might discover what the return on investment was in a particular scenario similar to your own or even what pitfalls were encountered so you can avoid them on your own project.

You might even find out that a particular tunneling solution doesn't meet the needs of your own project - saving you time spent evaluating an option that won't meet your needs when you could have chosen a solution that would.

Or you might discover a use for a tunneling solution that you'd never considered for your own project but that could provide unforeseen benefits, further increasing the return on investment.

On the other hand, if there are no case studies or references to be found for a solution, it prompts some questions.  Who's actually using the tunneler?  Have certain functionalities been used in your industry or particular application?  Has the tunneler been under similar loads to what your own application will require?

"Knowing" a tunneling solution has done what you need it to do already has no substitute.  When considering tunneling solutions for your own projects, make sure ask the vendor about similar scenarios and if there are any case studies, references or testimonials available applicable to your own situation.

Whether a solution is field-proven or not is just one of the many considerations when choosing a tunneler - learn about the other variables you should be considering in the free whitepaper “25 Considerations when choosing a tunneling solution”.

Download 25 Considerations when choosing a tunneling application

Win Worrall
Written by Win Worrall

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