Tech Support Corner: Viewing Your Software Toolbox Support History

3 min read

Aug 2, 2016 1:55:14 PM

So you just installed a Software Toolbox product and have run into a problem and you have exhausted all the normal troubleshooting steps – what do you do now?

The next step should be to give our support team a call, or shoot us an email. Whether you call or email, the moment you reach out to us a support ticket will be created and your support history is recorded in its entirety in our CRM system for future reference.

This blog post will cover how easy it is to access your current and historical cases with the Software Toolbox support team.

It's already a stressful time when troubleshooting an unexpected issue - working with technical support should be an experience that lowers your stress level and helps you resolve your issue quickly.  Whether you contact Software Toolbox via phone or email, a support ticket is generated to track your incident with us.

This support ticket not only helps us hold ourselves accountable to deliver a quality customer experience, and get you up and running as quickly as possible, but also will serve as a platform to track the progress of the problem and our communications. Now, while you have a single point of contact with our Support team, don't think that only one person will be involved in resolving your issue (the collective is always smarter than the individual right?).

We often review each other’s cases and work together to make sure you are working with the expert for your particular solution. While a support ticket is a way for us to track a problem, it is not for our eyes only – it creates a record for you to come back and review whenever you like, or when it is needed.

Did you know you can view your current cases and your past support cases with us online?

Click Here To Access Your Support History Now!

Having access to your cases can be helpful if you run into that annoying problem that you know you have seen before but can’t quite remember how to resolve. In addition, this method makes checking your historical cases possible 24/7, which is even more useful, particularly if it is outside our normal business hours.  Our case system also becomes your history book and records; helping track your licenses, when they are activated, and reset or recreated.

Overview of Your Support History

You probably also didn’t realize how easy it is to setup a login:

Start by going to our website at and mouse over the Support menu in the taskbar; select My Account from the drop down to access the login page – alternatively you can go directly to and then click the Your Account link.

Where to Access Your Support Account

This will take you to the page asking for your username and password.  In most circumstances, the username is the email you used when contacting us.   Try leaving the password blank if you don’t remember creating one, select the reset your password link to generate a new password– you will be emailed a reset link to create a new password for the account.

Once you log in you will see your Account Overview showing your most recently submitted questions. Right below that a See all questions link is available if the one you are looking for is not in the list.   If you still can’t find what you are looking for they just hit the Ask a Questions link to the right of the screen.

One of the things our team works on is to change the subject to something meaningful so you can find the topic you need when checking your history.   It’s also possible to search your history for the key word in the subject line.  Just put in in the search on top and hit Search.

We hope you found this useful, as many of our support contract holders have.  If you have any questions or problems we are here to help; please feel free to contact us any time at:

Phone: +1 704 849 2773

Click to Access Your Support History Now

Marc Holbach
Written by Marc Holbach

Software Toolbox Technical Blog

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