Common in the oil and gas industry, flow computers and devices store historical EFM (Electronic Flow Measurement) data used for analysis, custody transfer and production optimization. Enron Modbus, which is a version of the open Modbus protocol, is a frequently used communication protocol by many EFM devices including but not limited to Schneider SCADAPack, ThermoScientific AutoPilot, Cameron NuFlo Scanners and many others.
In this video blog, I'll show you how to get started using our Enron Modbus driver to connect and gather real-time and EFM data from Enron Modbus devices from Wonderware applications.
Watch this video to learn step-by-step how to get started using the TOP Server Enron Modbus driver, including basic setup, for collecting EFM history and real-time data with Wonderware applications.
Just to summarize, in this video, I've shown you:
- How to configure a TOP Server channel using the Enron Modbus driver.
- How to configure a TOP Server Enron Modbus device.
- How to define custom Enron Modbus address ranges.
- How to define configurable EFM configuration, history and alarm/event mappings for an Enron Modbus device.
- How to define EFM meter configurations for an Enron Modbus device.
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Ready to start collecting EFM and/or real-time data from your Enron Modbus device?