How to Convert MQTT Client Data to OPC

2 min read

Sep 24, 2020 2:00:00 PM

As you may already be aware, the Cogent DataHub has a wide range of flexible connectivity options between different data sources such as MQTT, OPC UA, OPC DA, ODBC, DDE and so much more.  MQTT client and broker functionality in particular allow DataHub to integrate MQTT data sources with HMI, SCADA, MES, historian and other systems that don't natively support MQTT.

In this next installment of our Cogent DataHub Virtual Training series, we will cover step-by-step how to easily connect 3rd party MQTT clients to the DataHub MQTT broker and convert their data for access by your own systems with OPC UA or OPC DA client capabilities.

Watch this video to learn how to connect your MQTT clients to the Cogent DataHub MQTT broker and then make that MQTT data available to OPC client applications (DataHub acts as an OPC UA and OPC DA server).

Looking for other how-to videos for DataHub?  Click here!

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Just to summarize, in this video, I've shown you how to:

  1. Enable the MQTT broker in Cogent DataHub to receive connections from third-party MQTT clients.
  2. Configure the MQTT broker in Cogent DataHub to interpret MQTT message from your MQTT clients and create tags in the DataHub.
  3. Use the DataHub Connection Viewer to confirm your MQTT clients are connected including tag counts and the number of value updates as they are received.
  4. Use the DataHub View Data monitor to browse what tags are available from your MQTT clients.
  5. Connect an OPC test client to the Cogent DataHub and access the tags from your MQTT clients.

This training specifically covers connecting an OPC DA test client to DataHub for accessing MQTT data in DataHub; however, any OPC UA or DA client can also connect to the same tag data once it's available in the Cogent DataHub.

If this training was useful to you, we encourage you to subscribe to our blog to find out more about the latest updates to DataHub and for other training on using DataHub.

Ready to access your own MQTT client data with your own OPC client applications using DataHub?

Click to Download Cogent DataHub Free Trial

Win Worrall
Written by Win Worrall

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