Connect Your Barcode Scanners to Barcode Printers

2 min read

May 28, 2020 2:00:00 PM

Barcode scanners and printers are devices that are very common in a variety of industries, whether it's for use in a manufacturing process or a multitude of other possible uses.  But how do you go from scanning a barcode to printing that barcode?

In this video, we will cover how to connect to both a Datalogic barcode scanner and a Zebra barcode printer, as well as, transferring the scanned barcode data to the printer automatically.Watch this video to see how easy it is to get connected to barcode scanners and printers using OmniServer and to automatically bridge the data between devices using the Cogent DataHub.

Just to summarize, in this video, I've shown you:

  1. How to use the sample protocols in OmniServer for a Datalogic barcode scanner and Zebra printer - for a detailed how-to on connecting barcode scanners, click here.
  2. How topics for the scanner and printer should be configured to use those protocols and the corresponding COM devices (including a virtual COM for the scanner).
  3. A brief look at bridging data in Cogent DataHub - for a detailed how-to on bridging, click here.
  4. How to view sent and received data in the OmniServer I/O Monitor.
  5. Live demo of scanned barcodes instantly being printed.

Don't forget to subscribe to our blog to find out about the latest updates to OmniServer and for other how-to videos on using OmniServer.  Try OmniServer with your own scanners, printers and other non-standard devices with the fully-functional free trial.

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Kevin Rutherford
Written by Kevin Rutherford

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