Automation & Control Software Learning Resources for the New Year

5 min read

Jan 18, 2018 2:00:00 PM

The New Year is a time of renewal, new projects, new challenges, and for some of you, new roles, or new people on your teams.  The last year has been one where our team has grown and worked to deliver the relevant content you need to learn more about software for automation & control, how to use our products, and the type of problems we solve.

In this blog post, we’ll provide a quick review of some key items from the last year that can help you or your colleagues in the coming year.  If you aren’t already subscribed to our blog, we encourage you to subscribe using the form at the right . We publish new content at least once a week, sometimes more often, and you can control the frequency of when you are notified of new content.

Here are some of the top pieces of content that users like you have found useful over the last year.
Automation 101 – After 22 years in business, we’re hearing from more and more people that are new to industrial control, and wanting to learn more. To help those users, we’ve started an Automation 101 blog section that we’ll continue to add to this year.  Automation 101 - Learn about industrial control topics
Video:  Introduction to OPC UA – Join our own Marc Holbach helping new users learn about what OPC UA is and why it matters.  Watch the video!  Introduction to OPC UA

Cogent DataHub Dedicated Blog - Our Cogent Datahub offering is a frequent “go-to” solution for a wide range of data integration challenges and use cases.  So this dedicated blog is filled with video tutorials, examples of problems solved, and more to help you see the wide-ranging possibilities.

 Cogent DataHub - Solving Integration Challenges
 OPC UA  is More Secure Video Tutorial:  Setting Up Secure OPC UA Connectivity – OPC UA provides the ability to encrypt connections between OPC servers and clients, but setting that up properly can be challenging. In this video tutorial we show you ways to make it easy.  Watch the video tutorial.

How to Interoperate Between Different OPC Standards – OPC DA, OPC A&E, OPC UA – it’s acronym soup. Want to know why there are so many types of OPC?  Get our Beginner's Guide to OPC.

If you need to move data between them, especially between OPC DA Classic and OPC UA, read this blog post to learn how to break down any obstacles in your existing systems.


 Breaking Down Obstacles to OPC Interoperability
 TOP Server - Learn about updated connectivity functionality TOP Server Dedicated Blog – Many of you probably use TOP Server, and this was a big year, with 4 releases to improve on TOP Server V6.  To help you learn more, we’ve started a TOP Server specific blog.
Troubleshooting Tools for TOP Server – As you probably realize, industrial communications involves a lot of moving parts.  It’s always a good idea to be aware of the tools available to you - so this is a must-read for new users.  Click to learn about TOP Server troubleshooting tools.  Fixing Problems with TOP Server Troubleshooting Tools
 Flexible Options for Using InTouch LGH Files Wonderware InTouch LGH Files Reimagined – The LGH file format has been around a long time, but we’ve seen our users do some really clever things in system migrations and upgrades using the LGH File Inspector visual export and reporting tool. Learn more in this blog post.
Connecting Non-PLC, Non-Standard Devices to HMI/SCADA - Celebrating 23 years as a solution used worldwide, we’ve created a series of blog posts to help you understand how to use OmniServer to connect your devices.  To learn more, start with this first post and go from there.  Connecting Non-Standard Devices without Code
 Log Process Data on Your Terms Tutorial:  Logging Only the Data You Need, When You Need It  - Here is another instance of things we’ve learned from our loyal users about how they really want to store data.  It’s rarely as simple as “just log this whenever the value changes”.  Read this blog post to learn more about what is possible.
OPC UA A&E Client Development Gaining Interest – the OPC UA standards, which you can learn about in the video tutorial above, saw strong growth in usage this last year.  Learn how the evolution of toolkits for Visual Studio.NET development make it easier than before.  Click to learn more.  Rapid Development of OPC UA A&E Clients
Ask a Question Now We hope you have found this useful. Don't forget to subscribe to our blog to receive updates for future useful content automatically, and as always, if you have questions please let us know.
Kevin Rutherford
Written by Kevin Rutherford

Software Toolbox Technical Blog

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