Tech Support Corner: TOP Server Basics and Quick Start

2 min read

Dec 12, 2019 2:00:00 PM

If you're a new TOP Server for AVEVA (formerly Wonderware) user, or just a user that's been away from TOP Server for awhile, perhaps you need a quick refresher on how to get around in TOP Server.

Continuing our Tech Support Corner blog series, this video blog post covers the basic components of TOP Server and how to familiarize yourself with using TOP Server via the simulation project that installs with TOP Server. Once you've watched this video you'll be ready for driver specific TOP Server videos or more advanced training available in the TOP Server Video Library

Watch this video (23:07) to learn the basics of TOP Server including the key components of the architecture, how to install it and how to get started using the simdemo project that installs with TOP Server.

Just to summarize, in this video, I've shown you:

  1. The basic TOP Server architecture / how it works
  2. Where to find more information about supported drivers and protocols.
  3. The basics of the different TOP Server services / components.
  4. How to install TOP Server.
  5. What channels/devices/tags are in TOP Server.
  6. How to use the OPC Quick Client with the simdemo project to test client connectivity.
  7. How to access the TOP Server help documentation.
  8. Where to get driver and client specific how-to videos.

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Kevin Rutherford
Written by Kevin Rutherford

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