Software Toolbox Technical Blog

Data Storage Deep Dive: Your Intro to Unlocking Historical Data

8 min read

By Ryan Royse on Sep 12, 2024 2:00:00 PM

Welcome to the kickoff post of our Data Storage Deep Dive blog series! In this series, we will explore the crucial role of data storage solutions and Historians in industrial automation. Over the coming weeks, we’ll be looking into how solutions delivered by Software Toolbox can be utilized with Historians, helping you make the most of your industrial data.

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DataHub V11: Enhancing Remote Config Access Security with MFA/TOTP

6 min read

By John Gonzalez on Aug 29, 2024 2:00:00 PM

Building on last week’s Cogent DataHub v11 Security Enhancements Deep Dive blog, this post dives into a practical application of these security enhancement by focusing on the implementation of multifactor authentication (MFA) using a TOTP (Time-based One-time Password) key to secure a Remote Config connection to the DataHub. We will guide you through the process of setting up a built-in user with the “RemoteConfig” role, ensuring that remote access is equipped with the necessary permissions. To further strengthen security, we’ll integrate a TOTP key with an authentication app and define an IP pattern Principal to restrict access to specific source network locations. We’ll conclude by performing a successful login from a different system, thus verifying the effectiveness of our secure setup.

Topics: DataHub
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Cogent DataHub V11 Security Enhancements Deep Dive

6 min read

By John Gonzalez on Aug 22, 2024 2:00:00 PM

As briefly shared in our blog “Cogent DataHub V11 Features to Be Excited About”, Cogent DataHub has expanded its security configuration and options in the v11 release, offering even greater protection and flexibility of data sharing. In this blog we will explore DataHub V11’s comprehensive framework for managing access through custom configuration of Organizations, Users with multi-Factor authentication (MFA), Active Directory Integration, Security Principals, Roles and Permissions ensuring that only authorized individuals can perform specific actions or access a specific set of data.

Topics: DataHub
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Cogent DataHub V11 Feature Enhancements: User Experience

7 min read

By Blake Giler on Aug 1, 2024 2:00:00 PM

As part of our ongoing Summer of IoT Blog Series, this week we will continue to review the exciting new release of Cogent DataHub Version 11. In a previous post, Cogent DataHub V11 Features to Be Excited About, we covered how Version 11 introduced significant updates, including enhancements to the OPC DA Client Connections and User Interface. In this post, we will deep dive into features aimed at enhancing user experience, increasing application flexibility, increasing configuration scalability, and reducing troubleshooting time.

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Securing your MQTT Data Access in Cogent DataHub V11

10 min read

By Connor Mason on Jul 18, 2024 2:00:00 PM

Continuing our Summer of IoT blog series, we'll delve into the exciting new release of Cogent DataHub V11. For those that may have missed our previous post on Cogent DataHub V11 Features to Be Excited About, the entirely revamped security profile provides a Secure out-of-the-box experience for V11 users that opens a variety of customized options. Today we take a deep dive into a part of the security improvements, and next month we’ll take a second deep dive into security.

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Cogent DataHub V11 Features to Be Excited About

6 min read

By Connor Mason on Jun 27, 2024 2:00:00 PM

As we continue our Summer of IoT blog series, this week we'll turn our focus to the V11 release of Cogent DataHub, a powerful platform known for its ability to seamlessly connect to a wide range of data sources including OPC, databases, MQTT, and more. DataHub Version 11 builds upon this foundation, empowering users with enhanced security, improved usability, and expanded connectivity options. This blog post dives into the key new features that make V11 a significant upgrade over its predecessors.

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IoT and You – Kicking off the Summer of IoT

8 min read

By Ryan Royse on Jun 6, 2024 2:00:00 PM

Welcome to the kickoff of Software Toolbox’s Summer of IoT blog series! Over the next few blog posts, we’ll discuss how our products can play a role in the exciting world of Internet of Things (IoT), but more importantly, how they can be used to further your success in Industry 4.0 and Digital Transformation initiatives. The IoT landscape has grown exponentially over the past decade, transforming industries by connecting devices, systems, and people in unprecedented ways. IoT is reshaping how we interact with technology. At Software Toolbox, we recognize the power of IoT and are committed to providing solutions that facilitate this technological revolution.

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Tech Support Corner: DataHub Item Imports Made Easy

5 min read

By Connor Mason on May 2, 2024 2:00:00 PM

Cogent DataHub enables users to integrate diverse data sources quickly and efficiently within their industrial automation ecosystems. By providing multiple ways to consume, organize, and deliver data, handling multiple inputs is a strong suit of DataHub.

CSV import functionalities are available for a variety of plug-ins including OPC DA & UA Clients, MQTT Client, External & Local Historians, Bridging, and Modbus. In this blog, we'll delve into the format and import options of OPC UA items specifically tailored for DataHub's OPC UA Client configuration, but the concept is the same for all CSV imports in DataHub.

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